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Meetup closed

It’s too late to attend, but you can sign up to be notified of upcoming meetups near you.

Who’s going? 50 attendees

  1. Drew Parroccini
  2. Erik Leib
  3. Quentin Cole
  4. kylehinze
  5. Vin Thomas
  6. Jonathan Snook
  7. Dina Rodriguez
  8. Justin Graham
  9. Darian Rosebrook
  10. Chris Mitsuda
  11. Scott Perket
  12. Bud Cunningham
  13. Elios Lino
  14. Olesya Boreyko
  15. Ben Levin
  16. Matthew Goshman
  17. Madeline Kramer
  18. Chris Owens
  19. Lisa Oliver
  20. Duke
  21. Kerrick van Asselt
  22. C.K. Worrell
  23. Justin Huskey
  24. Laura Polkus

Where is it?

630 SE Belmont Street
Portland, OR 97214

Hey Portland Dribbblers – A few of us from the Dribbble Team will be passing through your town in February and so it seemed prudent to host a Portland Dribbble Meetup.

Come hang out with some of the Dribbble crew and a bunch of other designer friends at Modern Times on February 20th at 7pm.

The first round is on us, plus we’ll have a lot of pink basketballs, Dribbble tees, and stickers to give out, amongst some other surprises.

We hope to see you there!