Meetup closed
It’s too late to attend, but you can sign up to be notified of upcoming meetups near you.
Who’s going? 39 attendees
Where is it?
1301 Fannin St
Suite 1850
Houston, TX 77002
United States
Accenture and Intrepid are excited to host the first ever HTX Dribbble meetup! Any and all creatives in the Southwest welcome! The goal is to bring the design community in the Southwest together to talk about craft, inclusion, community, and mingle. (You’ll also get some awesome Dribbble swag)
Here’s what you can expect:
? Networking
? A talk or two about design community, inclusion, and diversity
? Analog challenge (there is a prize!)
? Drinks and food provided
? Swag from Dribbble, Intrepid, and Accenture
? Doors open at 6:00 PM, meetup starts at 6:30 PM. Please bring a valid ID for security purposes.
We hope you’ll join us for a chance to meet other creatives, learn something new, get to know the team at Accenture and Intrepid, and generally just have a great evening!