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Meetup closed

It’s too late to attend, but you can sign up to be notified of upcoming meetups near you.

Who’s going? 134 attendees

  1. Rafael Torales
  2. Nick
  3. Karina
  4. Dan Jackson
  5. Gale Leitch
  6. Shafeez Walji
  7. James Clarke
  8. Arvand Alviri
  9. Jeremy Newcombe
  10. Olena Poshukai
  11. Alice Chan
  12. Griselda Boquiren
  13. Niloo
  14. Ran Li
  15. Aaron Veale
  17. Bhavika Bavishi Modi
  18. Rebecca Czilok
  19. Grace Lau
  20. Mini Nguyen
  21. Andrea Ho
  22. Nikki Yujin Ji
  23. Claudio Afonso
  24. Gabrielle Balmer

Where is it?

Suite 400 - 303 West Pender, Vancouver

Geolocation provided by OpenStreetMap.

Vancouver Dribbbler’s — mark your calendars! MetaLab is hosting a Dribbble meet-up in our new Gastown office, on July 19th at 6:30pm. Come join our design team and mingle with other local designers over some food and bevvies. We’re looking forward to seeing you all there ??

When you arrive, buzz #0400 and head on up to our office on the 4th floor.