Fitsreak- Fitness App
Hello Dribbblers,
Want to stay fit? Without any hassle or complexity and get results following simple bite-sized fitness sessions. Fitstreak brings you simple-to-follow fitness sessions and after sessions cool down to prepare you for the rest of the day. Minimalistic layouts and eccentric colors make you want to work out and get going to stay fit!
Colors -
(Neon Green) #D5FF5F- used for CTA's and accents
(Silverish Grey )#D6DFE2- used for Bg's
(Dim Grey) ##9F9F9F- used as subtext
(Daring Black) #010101- used for headings, and CTA text
(Good ol' White) #FFFFFF- used as a bg
Fonts -
Plus Jakarta Sans (Medium) - used Headings, Sub-Headings
Plus Jakarta Sans(Regular)- used as CTA text and paragraph text
Asset Link or credits -
Icons are used from the Iconly icon set. Images are from Unsplash.
1. Linear Gradient
2. Grid System
3. Glass Effect
Our designer says - "While designing this app, I was fueled by the motivation of having a very de-cluttered and easy-to-follow app for a beginner, the less and more curated the choices the better the outcome and retainment. This app was designed with the sole purpose of getting the users back and again and not feeling so overwhelmed hence, it could build a fitness habit if they came back again and again. The UI is modern, electric yet subtle, and easy on the eye. The UI excites you but also gives a feeling of minimalism which would trigger the mindset that the workouts are not a burden and are not hectic. Hope to see you all fit!
I hope you enjoy exploring this shot. Don't forget to press "<3" and comment. Thanks :)
Download file link here
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