Comulate Visual Identity
Comulate’s brand is anchored in a?pri-ma-ry col-or palette that pairs a?light and dark green?—?and a?light and dark sand?—?with a?gra-di-ent exudes ener-gy and depth. A?sec-ondary palette of yel-low and light blue estab-lish-es hier-ar-chy through-out the brand, and the ter-tiary palette bor-rows from high-lighter and pen hues to cre-ate eye-catch-ing accents.?
On the note of high-lighters and pens, one of the most dis-tinc-tive ele-ments of visu-al lan-guage is markup graph-ic lan-guage. Draw-ing inspi-ra-tion from the hand-penned checks, X’s, and oth-er pen marks an accoun-tant might use to mark up a?sheet, the effect cre-ates a?human, empa-thet-ic touch that at once con-nects with Comulate’s tar-get audi-ence and com-mu-ni-cates expe-ri-ence and?trust.?
Check out the full case study here.
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