1. Circular strokes figma magic (freebie) art direction assets branding circles circular community dashboard data digital art figma free freebie geometric graphic design illustration lines resource technical drawing ui vector
    View Circular strokes figma magic (freebie)
    Circular strokes figma magic (freebie)
  2. Responsive calendar UI - events categories calendar calendar app calendar ui cards ui categories cell columns counter date entry event calendar filters information architecture mobile notes responsive design schedule table timetable ux
    View Responsive calendar UI - events categories
    Responsive calendar UI - events categories
  3. Console monitoring dashboard / design system 2bit 8bit admin analytics code computer console dashboard data design system developers monitoring monospace oldschool pixels product design retro styleguide systems ui ux
    View Console monitoring dashboard / design system
    Console monitoring dashboard / design system
  4. 5 Psychometrical Types x 5 Personalities: Character Design assessment categories category character design characters education gamification geometric hr icons illustration mbti personality profile type profiles psycometric school test types vector
    View 5 Psychometrical Types x 5 Personalities: Character Design
    5 Psychometrical Types x 5 Personalities: Character Design
  5. Smart home app / presets module usability pattern air condition controls lighting mobile app module modules patterns presets product design settings smart app smart devices smart home smart lock thermostat usability user experience design user flow ux wireframes
    View Smart home app / presets module usability pattern
    Smart home app / presets module usability pattern
  6. Product series Key Visual Identity art direction brand branding categories cover data geometric geometry series shapes slash styleguide
    View Product series Key Visual Identity
    Product series Key Visual Identity
  7. Figma interactive UI elements and controls design library design system device controls figma knob mobile app neumorphic neumorphism product design skeumorphism slider smart home smart light smart lock switch thermostat ui design ui set user inteface voice assistant
    View Figma interactive UI elements and controls
    Figma interactive UI elements and controls
  8. Instant Search / uix exploration database desktop digital information architecture input instant medical module process product design results sass search suggestions tabs terms ui user experience ux web app
    View Instant Search / uix exploration
    Instant Search / uix exploration
  9. Storytelling with Data / editorial illustration abstract art direction background branding chart cover creative design data data science data visualization digital art geometry illustration pattern shapes story storytelling vector visual design visualization
    View Storytelling with Data / editorial illustration
    Storytelling with Data / editorial illustration
  10. Smart home neumorphic mobile app application building controls door home screen icons integrations iphone mobile app native app neumorphism product design residential services smart device smart home smarthome smartphone thermostat ui ux
    View Smart home neumorphic mobile app
    Smart home neumorphic mobile app
  11. Brand guidelines / brandbook screens art direction block chain bold brand and identity brand development brand guide brand guidelines branding crypto crypto exchange design system fresh geometric logo logotype modern presentation presentation design trading typography
    View Brand guidelines / brandbook screens
    Brand guidelines / brandbook screens
  12. learnworlds e-learning SaaS website branding course courses e learning education educational elearning illustration knowledge landing page learn learning platform lessons marketing website online online course online school platform web design website
    View learnworlds e-learning SaaS website
    learnworlds e-learning SaaS website
  13. Product features and icons illustration art direction branding cards courses e learning education website features grid homepage icons illustration online education preview product design saas school section startup vector video
    View Product features and icons illustration
    Product features and icons illustration
  14. Figma free geometrical isometric 3D elements and illustrations 3d basic shapes community file editable elements figma free freebie geometric geometry gradients icon set icons illustration isometric product design set ui vector
    View Figma free geometrical isometric 3D elements and illustrations
    Figma free geometrical isometric 3D elements and illustrations
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