
Pep Rally: Birmingham

Join Dribbblers in Birmingham, AL for a Dribbble Meetup on October 27th at ProctorU. This meetup has it all—mingling, product demos, and an Analog Dribbble Playoff.

There will also be some giveaways and prizes including a few After Effects plugins (Rubberhose, Joysticks, and Sliders) as well as a 1-year membership to the Birmingham Museum of Art! More info and RSVP link here.

Shot Link

Birmingham Dribbble Meetup [GIF]

by Scott M Thigpen

Hey B'ham creatives, I'm hosting a dribbble meetup for us (finally, right??) All details can be found here. There'll be some nice prizes given away like plugins for After Effects (Rubberhose, Joysticks and Sliders) as well as a 1 year membership to th...

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In advance of the meetup, we spoke with organizer Scott Thigpen about the Birmingham design scene.

Tell us what you love about Birmingham.

Hands down, the food. Sure we have great galleries, awesome colleges with great design programs, and the continued restoration of our downtown district but for me it’s the food (and beer). We have everything from various craft beer breweries, upscale dining, ethnic cuisines to down home soul food and barbecue. Generally I have to exercise about 26 hours a day to work off all that delicious food… and beer.

Tell us where you work, in relation to the rest of Birmingham.

I work as a UI/UX front-end designer at ProctorU, just a fifteen minute drive south from the heart of Birmingham. ProctorU watches students take exams online with live proctors using webcams and screen-sharing technology. The service gives students the convenience of testing at home and instructors the ability to ensure academic integrity.

Here at ProctorU, we work hard but also play hard, our team office is designed to stimulate creativity and group collaboration.

Tell us about the Birmingham design scene.

One reason I wanted to see a Dribbble Meetup happen here in Birmingham is because our design scene is small. There are tons of great professional creatives here but there’s really not been many events to unite us. It’s my hope that this meetup will have a place that we can chat, talk, network and get to know one another. Maybe after this event it’ll spark more creative meetings to happen in the future and we can grow as a design community in our awesome city!

Choose three shots from Birmingham Dribbblers you admire, and tell us what you like about each one.

  1. Shot Link
  2. Shot Link
  3. Rebel Silencers branding bullet glock gun icon iconography icons identity logo silencer suppressor texas

Mater Sixteen by Ryan Harrison, above left.

It is extremely hard to pick three B’ham Dribbblers that I admire as all of us are super at our craft. That said, Ryan Harrison of BIG Communications is a type setting and design master. Every time he posts something my jaw falls open marveling at his skills.

Team Up by Meghan Stewart for Odie+Partners, above center.

Also Meghan Stewart of Odie+Partners has a great sense of play in her branding and design. I always enjoy looking at her work when she updates her Dribbble feed!

Rebel Silencers by Case Morton, above right.

Last but not least is Case Morton who is the creative director at Keysys. His clean and angular style is one that I’ve always enjoyed because it’s hard for me to create that look as my stuff is usually all over the place.

Can’t make it on Thursday, October 27th? Find Scott on Dribbble, Twitter and at

Find more Meetups stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact [email protected].
