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March Dribbble Meetup Wrap?Up

Over 900 designers attended Dribbble Meetups in March! Out of 14 Dribbble Meetups, 9 countries were represented.

Ready to start your Dribbble Meetup? Get pumped for upcoming opportunities to meet other designers face-to-face in London, Stockholm, Carlsbad, and more. Details at Dribbble Meetups.

Austin SXSW @ Big Medium

“The 2017 SXSW Dribbble meetup on March 11th was definitely one of the best #ATXDribbble meetups we’ve had to date. It was hosted at Big Medium, an art gallery located in East Austin, with around 200 Austin locals and SXSW attendees talking design, drinking beer from local breweries, and having a good time.

ANDRODES, a live immersive electronic music experience from London, performed their amazing set while Fine Southern Gentleman screen printed shirts in the background. We also had the folks from Hasbro drop by to demo their new music mixing game, Dropmix.

Thank you to Kube for providing the surround sound through their weather-proof speakers. Thank you to Funsize for organizing. And last but definitely not least, a HUGE thank you goes out to our sponsor, Volusion, for making all of this possible. Volusion is currently hiring for designers in Austin and you can learn more about it here.”

Warsaw, Poland @ The Place

“The 4th Dribbble Warsaw Meetup hosted by EL Passion and sponsored by Daftcode went really well! Around 90 designers joined us for some beer, networking, and great talks. Filip ?ysyszyn (Interaction Designer, Google) showed us how to design web pages that work in more than 40 languages. Jarek Berecki (Head of Design, Daftcode) shared his experience in using Paper Prototyping in designing a UI of a 3D printer. Iryna Nezhynska (Visual Designer, Chimera Prime) told us how to present to, work with and sell our ideas to stakeholders.”

Cape Town, South Africa @ Workshop 17, The Watershed

  1. March Cape Town Dribbble Meetup badge badge design dribbble meetup illustration logo meetup

“The 6th Cape Town Dribbble Meetup was held in March at an awesome co-working space with spectacular views of iconic Table Mountain. We had the biggest turnout yet with about 100 attendees coming to listen to presentations by Gustavo Schmidt (22seven Digital), Niel Koekemoer (Black Swan Data) and Adam Sachs (Platform45). The talks ranged from how design impacts data visualisation, to the importance of getting to know your colleagues and how design and development should be integrated to build better products.

We ended off the night with the analog drawing competition where designers attempted to win a prize by coming up with the best 404 error design. Attendees also enjoyed socialising and talking shop over drinks and tasty snacks. We received a lot of positive feedback and are excited that the community continues to grow. Thank you to Dribbble for the continued support and to Black Swan and Workshop 17 for sponsoring the event.”

Atlanta, Georgia @ Rhyme & Reason Design

  1. ATL Dribbble Meetup ampersand atlanta badge branding dribbble event fun georgia meetup reason rhyme seal

“Another ATL Dribbble Meet-Up SLAM DUNK! The R&R crew had a slight case of the wintertime blues and thought a spring-themed soiree was the perfect cure. Despite frigid temps, we delivered a warm welcome to 50(ish) new ATL creative friends in our cozy design studio. We toasted the dawning of daylight savings with a fridge full of beer, 10 pizzas and one sun-inspired analog playoff (drawing competition).

We made time for fun and found the silver lining in the brisk weather. We invited local designers to become a part of the R&R family and share their wit and wisdom on how to create happy designs. Together we will be, create and do awesome. We just dominated our core values and met some pretty awesome peeps in the process. All in a day’s work. Until next year, ATL Dribbble!

Shout-out to our friends at Sticker Mule, Sketch App and Stocksy for the swag and prizes that brought the event to next-level awesome.

Mexico City @ Centraal

  1. Mexico City Dribbble Meetups awesome badge city dribbble graphic illustration lettering logo mark meetup mexico pink

“The March edition of the Mexico City Dribbble Meetups was the largest one to date. Over 50 designers from around the city gathered at Centraal to talk design, character creation and swag with Gabriel Pich, Art Director at Sociedad Fantasma. The talk was followed by a great discussion surrounding the challenge of creating transcendent and unique content while working for big companies, such as banks, who don’t have the best reputation when it comes to innovating and experimenting design-wise (at least over here).

As usual, our marvelous hosts at Centraal provided snacks, pizza, and drinks, as well as stickers and swag from our friends at Dribbble.”

Singapore @ Grab Cecil Court

  1. Singapore Design Meetup at Grab city dribbble gradient illustration marinabay meetup neon night singapore skyline

“Aaaaand that’s a wrap! Singapore Dribbble Meetup, hosted at Grab’s cozy little office was such a blast. Our main goal was to get everyone together and just talk design. I think we pretty much nailed it. Everyone was mingling and you could see the high spirits immediately. We had Rice Tseng from Grab, and Nina Geometrieva from Google, both Product Designers, who talked in-depth about subjects like Micro-interaction and career paths as a designer. We couldn’t have done it without our sponsors, so big shoutout to Dribbble, Sketch and Grab.”

Orlando @ PRPL HQ

  1. Orlando Dribbble Meetup | March 2017 badge dribbble dribbble meetup icon layout march meetup mobile orlando pink ui

Devin Jacoviello gave an amazing presentation on how to get started with UI Design, plan a project, and execute solid interfaces with his own Guide for Beginners last week at the PRPL HQ.

Attendees got first dibs on Dribbble and Sketch App swag, had a chance to grab a slice of pizza, and got some time to catch up with old and new local dribbblers.

Thanks to our March Sponsors for their continued support! Dribbble, PRPL, Sketch, and TEKSystems Digital.

Stay in touch with our community by following us on Twitter, participating in our yearly survey, and joining our #dribbble channel on Slack at”

Amarillo @ 7 Bar & Grill

  1. Drink & Draw amarillo amarillo texas beer draw dribbble dribbble meet drink pattern sketch wine

“The second Amarillo Dribbble Meet up was excellent. We met at a local restaurant/bar, had the chance to meet new creatives in our area, and saw an increasing number of people interested in being part of this community. We had a couple of fun activities and a quick logo design contest, where the winner got to take a championship belt home. We are excitedly looking forward to our 3rd meet up, and hope the design community in Amarillo keeps growing.”

Kolkata @ NASSCOM 10000 StartUp Warehouse

“Kolkata’s first ever meetup took place at Nasscom office and was organized by Whatsurskill. We saw numerous designers from diverse domains participating in the event, over 8 speakers sharing valuable insight on branding, and there was a creative session named ‘Design O Time,’ where all the designers were divided into teams and asked to create logos, typographies, and illustrations on given topics. At the end of the event, winners were announced and given prizes.

Speakers included Nipun Kochar from PlanMyAd who spoke about the changing world of advertising, and how design has evolved as a creative skill in recent years, Sushil Agarwal (Founder of All-In-One-Technologies) on the importance of digitalization in today’s advertising industry, and Atul Dalmia from Ad Ideas, who has been in the advertising industry for 30 years and created his own niche in the field of outdoor advertising. Manish Jain, the founder of Tea Raja spoke on following one’s heart and achieving success, without compromising values. Sujoy Roy, Creative Director at Ogilvy and Mather, spoke on mastering at least one skill while remaining open, and discussed the increasing demand of freelancers today over the old-school concept of full-time professionals. A speaker from Weblisters shared valuable input on how her company is helping start-ups grow, followed by Hindol Goswami from Yourstory Bangla, and Akash Kamalia from WriteDigiMedia. Finally, the event ended with a speech from the organizing team, Whatsurskill, one of the fastest growing design communities in India.

Thanks WhatsUpKolkata, our Youth Outreach Partner, and to Wow Momos!, who provided delicious refreshments.”


The following Dribbble Meetups are happening soon. For the full list of upcoming meetups, visit our Meetups page.

Find more Meetups stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact [email protected].
