
Pep Rally: Charleston, South Carolina

Every design community is unique. We spoke with Brice Gould, the host of the upcoming Charleston Dribbble Meetup, who partnered with AIGA for a special, super hands-on design workshop with Dribbbler and visual craftsman Connor Lock.

Charleston Dribbble X AIGA Meetup | Design Workshop

Charleston Dribbble X AIGA Meetup | Design Workshop

by Connor Andrew Lock

Hey friends, it looks like we'll be teaching a design workshop this month for a special collab with Charleston Dribbble & AIGA. This workshop will be the most hands-on design workshop you'll ever experience. We plan to tell you what being a visual c...

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Each attendee is invited to rebound with a design, which they can then bring to the event to create a hand-painted piece on a 5x7 sheet of glass. In advance of the meetup, we spoke with Brice about the design scene in Charleston.

Tell us what you love about Charleston.

There is a certain delight about Charleston that you can’t find anywhere else. Maybe it’s the cobblestone streets or the historically preserved houses and buildings. Maybe it’s the rich history, world-class southern food, or the diverse selection of art and design. Maybe it’s the big city attitude mixed with true southern charm (not like what you see on TV). One thing is for sure: Charleston wouldn’t be the place it is without the people who live there. The people of Charleston have a strong pride in what they do and how they do it, and have support from everyone around them.

Tell us where you work, in relation to the rest of Charleston. If you have one, share a high-res image of your workspace (inside or out).

I work in the marketing department of a cloud-based solution for benefits administration and human capital management, called PlanSource. We are based out of Orlando, Florida and have offices all across the country. In relevance to Charleston, our marketing department has an office located on the top floor of an old cigar factory on East Bay Street. We find ourselves in a large mix of different businesses including Clemson University’s Design Center.

We are lucky to have awe-inspiring views of downtown Charleston on one side and the Ravenel Bridge on the other. When we need a breath of fresh air—or time to let our eyes refresh from staring at a monitor all day—we take to the rooftop patio where you can really take it all in.

Tell us about Charleston’s design scene.

In Charleston, art and design is everywhere and we pride ourselves in it. No matter what particular style you are looking for we have something for it and we have the names to back it up: Jay Fletcher, SDCO Partners, Fuzzco, and Gil Shuler. Charleston is filled with all types of designers; and has an ever growing tech scene filled with UI designers and marketing strategists, as well as developers, videographers, animators, and a large pool of freelance designers. One thing designers in Charleston have in common is they are trying to find a way to connect with each other and give back. We are always having meetings and events to spark inspiration and creativity. This comradery helps to fuel the changing environment of design in Charleston which pushes us to produce top-notch work.

Choose three shots from Charleston Dribbblers you admire, and tell us what you like about each one.

  1. Killdee pt. II apparel bird clothing killdeer outdoors texas
  2. Harvest Dinner dinner flowers garden green harvest dinner poster spring summer tomato vector vegetables
  3. Awww Snap(back)! badge beach charleston folly beach hat ocean patch retro south carolina sun type vintage

Killdee pt. II by Jay Fletcher, above left.

This shot by Jay Fletcher is so clever, using a K to make up the legs of Killdeer bird, while the using simple clean shapes to make up the rest of the bird.

Harvest Dinner by Tyler Pate, above middle.

Tyler Pate is always grinding, always designing and this is a piece he did for the local Green Heart Harvest Dinner celebration in charleston. It’s professionally executed with having the type interact with the beautiful arrangement of fruits and vegetable that represent the lowcountry. The utilization of space also plays well and creates a very interesting piece.

Awww Snap(back)! by Dave Barry, above right.

This might be one of the most fun and well represented logos of an area I have seen in some time. Dave Berry has utilized that retro look to emphasize the laid back surfer vibe you can find out on folly beach as well as find a way to make this type super fun and flow.

Big thanks to Brice Gould for the support in hosting this event.

Can’t make it on March 28, 2018? Keep up on meetups in your area or start your own? Details at Dribbble Meetups.

Find more Meetups stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact [email protected].
