Dribbble Meetups happened all around the globe this past July, from San Salvador, to Atlanta, to Raipur. As you’ll see, these vibrant design meetups consisted of both full-fledged design talks to intimate gatherings of Dribbblers and design enthusiasts.
If you’re eager to hang out in person with your local design community, there are always Dribbble Meetups on deck to take place across the world. However, if you don’t see any upcoming meetups scheduled for your city or neighborhood, we encourage you to team up with your fellow designers to host a local event! You’ll be able to meet amazing people, talk shop, score some Dribbble swag (and maybe some other goodies), all while enjoying the good vibes of your local design community. You might even be able to test your design chops in an Analog Playoff!
San Salvador, El Salvador
“Fifty people, designers, developers and staff, gathered up in our fourth edition, where we discussed how illustrations boost digital products, what design systems can do, and why interface design uses metaphors. In addition, we had a remote talk with Monica Matei from Iconfinder, who explained to us how the icon business works.”

Atlanta, Georgia
“This year’s theme of “Summer Abroad” was inspired by travel—an industry near and dear to our hearts both personally and professionally—and [featured] about 70 of Atlanta’s finest creatives. Our analog playoff prompt was “typography puns meet passport stamp” and people BROUGHT IT.”

Huntsville, Alabama
“Our meetup went great! In our small city where designers are “supposedly” far and few between…the event had more interest than anticipated—it is nice to know that a need for this exists! The overall feel was a mix of lightheartedness and gratefulness for being able to get to know and talk with local designers.”

Lahore, Pakistan
“More than 80 people from diverse fields attended the event that featured inspirational talks given by creative people, including a keynote from Roshaan Saeed, who launched this meet-up. She is the first woman to approach such international entities and to bring them to Pakistan for the empowerment of local design industry. Events like these to foster the creative community play a pivotal role in building up the ecosystem. While this is only the beginning, we look forward to seeing such incredible and creative initiatives being taken in Pakistan and appreciate community builders bringing international communities together in such an amazing way.”

Raipur, India
“The evening was fun and the meetup actually lasted 4 hours. We had four speakers with us who talked about art, design and branding, along with a workshop designed to understand consumers and create overall brand experiences. We are really hoping to organize these meetups more regularly here in Raipur.”

The following Dribbble Meetups are happening soon. For the full list of upcoming meetups, visit our Meetups page.
Find more Meetups stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact [email protected].