Dribbblers! Even during the busy time at the end of the year—and the beginning of a new one—designers from across the world came together to host Dribbble Meetups in their own local communities—from Bengaluru, to Oakland, to Malang. Here’s a brief collection of the global Dribbble Meetups that happened recently.
Remember, you won’t be disappointed attending a Dribbble Meetup in your own community—keep an eye on our Meetups page to find one near you. You’ll be able to talk shop with fellow designers in your own backyard, and there’s always plenty of good vibes to go around,—whether it’s listening to guest speakers, enjoying a workshop, or going toe-to-toe in an Analog Playoff.
And, as always, if you’re interested in hosting a Dribbble Meetup with your very own community, you can make it happen!
Uyo, Nigeria
“Our Uyo Dribbble Meetup was titled Today Is Here. Its focus was on leveraging Community Involvement (with insights into Dribbble), 2019/2020 design trends, the concepts of ‘less is more’ and design processes—plus a panel session with design trainees and tutors to get the most of everything there is in today’s design reality, so as to remain relevant in the design ecosystem. It was amazing to see designers, clients, trainees, tutors, and design enthusiasts share in the experience that the Uyo Dribbble Meetup had to offer, and we are only just beginning.”

Tampa, Florida
“Tampa’s December meetup took a road trip to Largo, where designers met at Arkane Aleworks to talk shop. Folks braved the weather—and the drive—to discuss their successes of 2019 and goals for the new year. The holiday-themed Analog Playoff was a fun one, rebranding Santa Claus for a modern audience, which lead to some great interpretations.
“Our winner, Alanna Murphy, took the challenge with her playful, yet modern, version of Old Saint Nick. A special thank you to Arkane Aleworks for agreeing to host us, and to all our Tampa attendees who have made these meetups a blast as we build a community from the ground up.”

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
“Our Meetup brought 45 designers together, and featured four speakers who spoke on topics regarding the first steps of using Dribbble, design sprints, as well as the ‘Literacy of Nomads.’ Plus, we had an open discussion amongst all speakers called ‘How I Work.’
“We also organized a sea-themed Analog Playoff, and conducted a logo creating competition. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of team Dribbble, and we’re looking forward to organizing a Meetup again in the near future.”

Jalandhar, India
“Our Dribbble Meetup was great! Everyone brought great ideas, and we had a number of wonderful questions from attendees—the resulting discussions were really insightful. We had a tremendous time with the community; it was great to see developers, designers, and both experienced as well as young talent. Our Meetup was a great opportunity to meet the faces behind the profiles and talk about UX design and our community. We really hope to collaborate again soon.”
The following Dribbble Meetups are happening soon. For the full list of upcoming meetups, visit our Meetups page.
Find more Meetups stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact [email protected].